Lake Victoria is 68,800 sq kms in size, making it the continent's largest lake, the largest tropical lake in the world, and the second widest fresh water lake in the world. Its extensive surface belongs to the three countries; the northern half to Uganda, the southern half to Tanzania, and part of the northeastern sector to Kenya. The lake occupies a wide depression near the equator, between the East and West Great Rift Valleys, but its drainage basin is relatively small, being slightly less than three times the lake's surface in area.

Lake Victoria’s vastness (400 km long and 280 km wide), blue waters and extensive white sand shores are awe-inspiring. It has a number of Islands, each with its unique beauty and enchantment.

Within the Lake, one can find many archipelagos as well as numerous reefs just below the surface. Lake Victoria is known for its abundance of fish, fishing for tilapia and Nile perch provides a living for the majority of the Bantu-speaking people who live along the lakeside. The fish are sold at local markets or to the processors for export. There are over 200 species of fish, which all make a major contribution to the economy.

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::::  Western Circuit   :::: 

 Gombe Stream National Park  -  Mahale Mountains National Park  -  Rubondo Island National Park

 -  Lake Tanganyika  -  Lake Victoria  -  Katavi National Park